Cat sales flat! Who cares!!!

For any normal author, the graph below would represent almost utter failure. A book is launched on Amazon, a free promo giveaway is planned for the first five days, and 738 copies are downloaded. Whoopee, we’ve got exposure and traction! And then the promo ends,...

Thanks for the downloads!

We ended our five-day Amazon promotion of The day we blew up the cat… with 738 free downloads. Awesome! Thanks everyone. We didn’t make a penny, but who cares—I just hope we made 738 people...

This is a great book for dads

I was waiting for a layover in the Charlotte airport and picked up Rick Johnson’s book on a whim in one of those cheesy trinket shops. I’m afraid I was a poor flying companion for the rest of the trip toward the west coast as I pretty much devoured it on...

Still looking for exploding cat reviews…

I just love typing “exploding cat” even though it’s rampant hyperbole. Getting great customer reviews on the book, and would love to read yours. (Yes, this is shameless self-promotion—although it’s kind of for a good cause, since the books are...

Exploding cat book fizzling a bit, but…

The book that we just released for free on Amazon, The day we blew up the cat: And other stories from a normal childhood, is getting nothing but 5-star reviews (16 so far), but downloads are, well…way down. Sunday: 305 Monday: 115 Tuesday: 46. From a...

New Dad Story Project book hits Amazon #1

This is going to sound cooler than it actually is, but our book, THE DAY WE BLEW UP THE CAT: And other stories from a normal childhood, hit #1 in the “Fatherhood” category, #4 in “Parenting & Relationships” category, and cracked the top...