by admin | Jan 5, 2015 | Peter's blog
I cry easy. Everyone who know me knows that. I don’t know, my heart is always just right there, I guess, ready to go all sappy at the drop of a hat. And the thing that makes me cry the easiest is seeing the love between parents and their kids. So here is a video...
by admin | Jan 4, 2015 | Peter's blog
After a slow start this morning, the exploding cat parenting book is gaining momentum. Passed 100 downloads a little while ago and the pace seems to be picking up. I am very...
by admin | Jan 4, 2015 | Peter's blog
Hi everyone!!! Great news!!! is a kind of website aggregator that finds cool websites from around the world and lists them by topic. It’s the brainchild of Guy Kawasaki, one of the most influential social media leaders in the world. So if you go to...
by admin | Jan 3, 2015 | Peter's blog
A friend of mine was terribly hurt in a climbing accident a few days ago and a fund was established at In less than 24 hours almost $15,000 was raised to bring him home to Maine after the initial surgeries in Florida. This has nothing to do with The Dad...
by admin | Jan 3, 2015 | Peter's blog
Hey, everybody. My hope is that this little website becomes a huge reservoir of encouragement for dads and moms and kids and, well, everyone. One of the best ways that can happen is for people to start telling the world their stories. I can only write so many stories...
by admin | Jan 3, 2015 | Peter's blog
Hi again everybody. Sorry to be a pest (wait, no I’m not, this is pretty exciting). My Exploding Cat book begins its five-day-free-download stretch on Amazon tomorrow, January 4th. The best way for it to gain traction is by getting lots of reviews—if you...