Cement forms and water pipes

This is a sneak preview from the next book (I’m still waiting for someone to write an awesome foreword).   I have several time machines. Two of the best I carry with me at all times. One holds up my glasses (my nose) and the other—a pair actually—stick out...

10 Unforgettable Lessons on Fatherhood

A pastor friend of mine sent me the following short article and I couldn’t get through it without tears in my eyes—both because of the wonderful testimony of a son speaking about his father, and because the standard has been set so high for all of us. Please...

Father’s Day book contest!

Hello everyone. I plan to publish a book of father-stories written by guest authors in time for this year’s Father’s Day, June 21 (just 7 short weeks away). In order to pull this little literary feat off, I need to receive at least 15 encouraging,...
Sneak preview of next book

Sneak preview of next book

The second book in the project series, The Tug of the String: stories about staying connected, is just about ready for publication. (I’m waiting to get an awesome person to write the foreword). As if all three of you aren’t already salivating at the mere...

The most exciting thing in the world…

E.B White, one of my favorite authors, once spoke about the raw excitement he felt as he ratcheted a blank sheet of paper into his typewriter. I feel the same way about writing—of course I’m dropping my words onto my computer screen instead of a sheet of...