Barn Boots

Barn Boots

Portrait of father and daughter (dad is on the left)   From: THE DAY WE BLEW UP THE CAT: And other stories from a normal childhood Volume 1 in The Dad Story Project series By award-winning author S. Peter Lewis Download it from Amazon for just $0.99    ...

A few moments to change a life forever

As fathers, it’s easy to lose track of the tremendous power we wield. In just a few moments or with just a few words we can change the life of a child, change the way they think about themselves, change the way they think about God, alter their course through...

Great videos about being a dad

Hi everyone. If you haven’t heard of The Father Effect, I urge you to watch their videos on YouTube. Here is their channel: TheFatherEffect. And here is a great...

Thankful for what matters

EDITOR’S NOTE: This is one of my stories from the exploding cat book, and it’s written in the 3rd person rather than the first person. This little literary technique allows me some emotional distance from the subject matter, which helps keep me from crying on my...

Failure is a matter of perspective

So I started this ministry of encouragement to families and fathers, The Dad Story Project (which includes this website and a new book on Amazon) one month ago. Here’s the data so far: 1) books sold: 26, less than one a day; total earnings: $20.84 2) stories...