A long for the fork

A long for the fork

High from the north the new summer dawn slants in early, golden and burning above the distant ridge and slicing through a muggy haze over the meadow and blazing in through the window, streaking and glinting across the top of our dining room table. I bought the table...
Waving at the offspring

Waving at the offspring

I thought I was alone in the house that evening so when I went in to take a bath I closed the curtain around the tub but left the door half open. I’m lying there, gently simmering with a good book, and my 21 year-old daughter just barges right in. “Oh! Hi Dad.”...

Changing the oil with Dad, then and now

By Christopher Dudley Many years ago, as a young boy, cars were commonly worked on by the average person. They were relatively basic and the tools to work on them were not complicated or expensive. If you had the knowledge and mechanical aptitude, you could do a...
Optimism defined

Optimism defined

My son and daughter are two of the most optimistic people I’ve ever known. Hold on, that’s not right—they are without a doubt the most optimistic people I’ve ever known. Year’s ago my son (the engineer) was up for a big promotion at his...