A pastor friend of mine sent me the following short article and I couldn’t get through it without tears in my eyes—both because of the wonderful testimony of a son speaking about his father, and because the standard has been set so high for all of us. Please click the link to read the entire article.
Oh that we would leave such a legacy!
By Ray Ortlund at Desiring God
READ THE REST!In public, my dad was one of the great pastors of his generation. He served most notably for twenty fruitful years at Lake Avenue Congregational Church in Pasadena, where John and Noel Piper worshiped during their Fuller Seminary days. Dad and John were dear friends.
In private, my dad was the same man. There was only one Ray Ortlund, Sr. — an authentic Christian man. The distance between what I saw in the New Testament and what I saw in my dad was slight. He was the most Christlike man I’ve ever known, the kind of man, the kind of father, I long to be.
In no particular order, here are ten lessons on fatherhood I learned from watching him, each lesson living on in my life from memories of his care for me.
(Excerpt and link published here with permission as stipulated at DesiringGod.com)
What an inspired message and true testament to the love our Father has for us and the love we father’s have for our children. Lead by example.